The e-Book that Creates Millionaires

Released on = October 3, 2006, 10:26 pm

Press Release Author = 247mall

Industry = Education

Press Release Summary = The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel is the only
clear, concise, comprehensive, definitive, distinctive, and scientific presentation
of the Creative Power of Thought ever formulated by any one at any time.


The e-Book that Creates Millionaires.

York, PA - September, 2006 -247mall released there new book to make everyone
Abundance begins within you and radiates outward into the material world.
It is a state of consciousness that is reflected back to you in the form of money
and experiences. You must increase your abundance from the inside. One of the main
areas you must work on is your gratitude for what you already have. Gratitude, like
all things you focus on, multiplies. Here are a few simple steps you can follow to
increase your abundance.

1. Give freely without thought of return. You get back what you put out! This also
teaches your subconscious mind that there is more than enough.

2. Focus on your blessings for a few minutes everyday even if it is only being
grateful for the air that is so abundant around you. Concentrate on the fact that
there is abundance everywhere you look. Look for the blessing that are not overtly
apparent. For example, when I wanted to manifest a car I started being grateful for
the pavements that I was walking on - can you imagine how hard it would be to get
somewhere if you had to walk on uneven marshy ground and rummage through trees? The
pavements where given to me freely to use and I was grateful for them.

3. Look for the diverse ways that people connect to the Divine Source of abundance.
Abundance is more than just money! Look at different faiths and how they worship.
Expand your horizons. Look for the similarities rather than the differences. When
you see the connectedness of all life you will begin to realise that you are One
with all things including money and wealth!

4. Set aside about 20 minutes a day to visualise your perfect life filled with
abundance and joy. Try to realise your connection to the higher power that gives
freely and abundantly and dwells within you! \"Know ye not that ye are the temple of
God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?\" Cor. 3:16.
5. Eliminate inner obstacles to creating abundance and allow yourself to experience
the wealth of the Universe which is yours by birthright!

6. Allow space for abundance to enter your life. Throw or give away things you no
longer need or use. Remove the clutter from your life. The Universe abhors a vacuum
and immediately tries to fill the empty space.

7. Look for possibilities and be open to opportunities for creating more wealth in
your life. Invite abundance in!

8. Magnify abundance by focusing on it. We always get more of what we focus on in
life. So, focus on the fact that almost everything you are looking at right now
started as a thought in someone\'s head and was then manifested into reality - right
down to the seat you are now sitting on!

10. Write out your goals 10 at a time. Keep a list of them with you and read them
frequently. Think about the list often and what it will mean to you when you
manifest each one. Try the free exercises from The Abundance Course which will help
you release negativity within seconds and move you towards financial abundance.

Contact Mr. Uriel Williams for more insights into this topic. Direct line: (717)
854-7383 Email: Other helpful information regarding the
event can be found at:

For More Information Contact:

Mr. Uriel Williams

Web Site =

Contact Details = uriel
1001 chanceford ave
york , 17404


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